The Gardner Festival Committee is so glad to be putting on the Oktoberfest & Chair Luge celebration, originally operated by Moon Hill Brewing Co., which still sponsors the event. Oktoberfest is celebrated throughout the world because it is devoted to beer, food, fun and families. There is no other theme. There are no saints nor civil wars nor revolutions, just mostly beer & food & fun. It’s pretty simple. In Germany, they love it so much it lasts for about 4 weeks. Maybe we can do that here in Gardner, too, someday. For now, let’s just work on this one day and make it great for all of us and for Downtown Gardner. Gardner loves a party!

Have your business recognized by sponsoring Gardner’s LARGEST event of the year, Oktoberfest, Party in The Street! Click HERE for sponsorship opportunities!


Register your team for the 14th Annual Gardner Chair Luge! For more information or to register, click HERE now! Early bird discount for registrations received before September 21!






