
Greater Gardner Chamber Annual Meeting & Awards Recognition Dinner 2019  Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce Holiday Business After Hours 2019
Whether you are a small business owner or work for a large corporation, through the Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce, you have many opportunities to meet other business people and community leaders to exchange ideas, leads, and grow your network and your business.

Business After Hours

Business After Hours hosted by Athol Savings Bank  

These casual after work “meet and greet” events are generally hosted by a local business as a way of showcasing their facility and products and services. It’s a great way to relax and get to know one another

Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce Annual Events

SR photo  SR Room

The Chamber presents a variety of fun annual events that members look forward to, including: Super Raffle, Annual Meeting & Awards Dinner, Summer Outing & Golf Tournament, and Chili Chowder Taste Off & Brew Sampling.

W.O.M.E.N.2Women Luncheon

The Chamber hosts quarterly luncheon speaker series to foster educational and professional development. These luncheons are typically an hour in length to accommodate the busy professional and are hosted by member business owners with the option for display space provided for vendors.

A wide variety of interesting topics are presented with opportunities for networking with other area working women.

Participation by Committee

You are the Chamber of Commerce! Your knowledge and commitment help to make our organization stronger. You can share your skills and protect your interests by participating in one of the Chamber’s standing committees.

Multi-Chamber Events

Group Photo  GW photo

The Greater Gardner Chamber of Commerce regularly collaborates with other chambers, to co- host events of interest on a broader scale for businesses in our region such as, the Economic Forecast Breakfast, sponsored by Fidelity Bank and the 6 Chamber MEGA Business After Hours, sponsored by Great Wolf Lodge.